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Transger teen

A Transgender boy now living as a teenage girl

Evolution works on the principle of mistakes when DNA is copied. This is inevitable given the billions of people in the world, we don’t make anything as complex as a Gene, if we did in the numbers nature does, we would make infinitely more mistakes. I assume this is where the Transgender movement believes the basis for their ideas comes from-I don’t know as they have never been clear on ANY truly scientific basis.


Zero medical evidence has been provided for Transgender-unless you count money-grabbing political science like Climate Change that has been wrong for 35 years. So we move forward with no understanding.


The anti-Transgender movement is headed up by older individuals who have gone through the process, realized their mistake and tried to go back again. You can’t. These are sad stories, people who have ended up as-basically-disfigured. They all admit that in hindsight, their initial confusion over gender was an emotional reaction to events in their lives-and this in a time when we were much less hair-trigger than we are now.

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We would never let a 5 year old make an irreversible life decision. Would you let a pre-school child sign a legally binding contract to join the military for LIFE with no way out? Of course you wouldn’t. But it’s OK to let them change genders. This is insanity.

I have dealt with children who appear to have gender issues-we used to say the boy was effeminate, the more negative connotation, while girls were just Tomboys. If you’re over 40 can you imagine if every Tomboy was immediately Transgendered into a male? Many women, mothers and happy being who they are, will tell you they were Tomboys as girls-they laugh about it. GETTING HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS? In children I’ve dealt with I’ve always found a viable reason why they are acting the way they are, in one case: a 9 year old girl was dressing and acting like a boy and saying she wanted to be a boy. Cutting out the discovery process, I calculated that with an absent father and the mother having to shift huge attention to her career, the mother-not unusually-paid more attention to her 7 year old son. First, he’s younger, mothers generally default to the younger child, secondly he’s a boy. Boys and mothers, father’s and their girls, is a basic family dynamic. The girl noticed this and in a subconscious attempt to get more attention from the mother tried to mimic her younger brother. Perfectly natural. By bringing the absent father back into the equation (yes, I’m aware this solution is not always possible but there are always others) the father naturally favored his ‘princess’ balancing the equation. Some years later and we have a beautiful, feminine teenage girl who is happy with herself and has no interest in being male. I wonder how many Transgender cases are like this? My guesstimate: 99%


The Paradox: men and women’s brains have a few interesting differences. Simplistically: men have better hand, eye coordination & women, better communication & language skills. This is a generalization and there will be many cases where this doesn’t play out-but in general-true. So the Transgender movement declares that men & women have different brains, far different than Neuroscience has been able to find-or their ideology doesn’t make sense-how can you change between two things that are the same?

Transgender aligns itself politically with the Left (what harmful ideology doesn’t) which insists there is NO difference at all. Transgender also aligned with Feminism which, despite what some of them say, believe that Female is the superior state… so… they believe there is a difference? Transgender is also part of the LGBT community, so are they saying that there ARE NO GAY PEOPLE, THEY ARE JUST PEOPLE IN THE WRONG GENDER BODY? It would seem so. If Gay people switched gender then they would be sexually attracted via the Heterosexual model and so-no more Gay people.


Well, this is what is commonly known as BS. I served in the military with very tough, males who were gay (not out obviously). They loved being men and had no interest in being women. I haven’t actually met a Lesbian-and I’ve met many-who wants to be a man.

Transvestites or Crossdressers apparently want to switch genders-most don’t, they just enjoy living, on occasion, like the opposite sex. Some whoever do want to switch, the adult Transgender group. They are very sincere but I would still be cautious-a complete study hasn’t been conducted but it appears that none of these individuals are free from traumatic life experiences that could be an easier explanation for the way they think.


So how common is the pressure on very young children to make a decision on their genders?



Descriptions, reviews & opinion on the book in all their terrifying glory-note the ages mentioned:

“This is a delightful little book about Nick; a young child assigned a male gender at birth who sees himself as a girl. His parents tell him they love him anyway he feels. At school he wants to play with the girls, and creates a self-portrait that shows him as a girl. When he tells his parents that the teacher didn’t understand, his parents made a point to go to his school and explain. They also work with a gender counselor to help their whole family deal with Nick’s need to be a girl. This book exemplifies how a family and a school should work with a transgender – or potentially transgender – child. Unfortunately, many families and many schools are frightened by a transgender child’s self-knowledge and try to force the child into their assigned gender, often with seriously deleterious results. Be Who You Are is listed on for ages 9 – 12. Nick appears to be younger than that, and I think this story is quite suitable for much younger children even if you must read it to them. I would even like to see it as a coloring book for the kindergarten and grammar school age kids that could be used as a teaching tool about gender diversity”

“I bought this book for my 8 yr old transgender Granddaughter. She was so happy to get it she said, smiling, “She is just like me.” it is important for a trans-child to feel that they are not alone. This book certainly helps. The story is clear and easy to understand for a child”

I just finished reading this to my four-year-old and seven-year-old. It was very easy to understand and helped them to better understand their newly-transgendered cousin. I think the book explains transgender in children to children in a meaningful way. The book helped them to process this concept and made it easier to ask questions about the character in the story than it was to ask questions about their cousin. I would definitely recommend this book to family and friends who need to better understand a trans-gender person in their life”

“This book helped my 7 and 9 year olds better understand themselves and each other, because one of my sons, like Nick, “feels like a girl inside.” I love that Nick has supportive parents who tell him how much they love him, and whom Nick can turn to for support. When Nick’s teacher scolds him for drawing a girl as his self portrait, his parents talk to the school, and afterwards the teacher is supportive. When Nick becomes Hope, Nick’s little brother tells Hope that he misses his brother and worries that she doesn’t love him now that she’s a girl. Hope explains that she’s always felt like a girl–that this isn’t new–and that of course she still loves him. Both my children were visibly relieved after I read them this book, and they immediately started a meaningful conversation about how they both feel about themselves and each other (no, that doesn’t happen every day!). Being transgender is something most adults don’t even understand, but this book makes it clear and simple: some people are born in the wrong body, it’s not their fault, and they deserve to have those around them love and support them”


In Europe and America there are already moves to allow children to Transgender without the knowledge or permission of their parents. BIG GOVERNMENT STEALING YOUR CHILDREN SOUNDS LIKE PARANOIA – BUT IF THIS ISN’T A CASE OF CHILD-ABDUCTION I’M NOT SURE WHAT IS. PARENTS ARE SLOWLY BEING MADE IRRELEVANT!

Fight back against this. If your child is expressing gender problems (with the propaganda this becomes more likely) find someone who believes, as I do, that Transgender is a terrifying knee-jerk reaction, and let them help your child express why they feel this way. I guarantee there will be an interesting & logical emotional reason.

Even if you believe the Transgender movement, why wouldn’t you do this FIRST? It has zero irreversible effects and at worst-if you’re right-will just do nothing. So what’s the problem? Surely, when it’s your children caution first, right?


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Prescription Painkillers are becoming the major source of overdose in the USA

The problems of opiate abuse from Prescription Painkillers is pretty well known. Opiates are from the same family of organa-chemicals as Morphine or the Victorian painkiller Laudanum or the Victorian street drug Opium and the modern street drug Heroin, the latter started as a common cough suppressant remember that fact.

The power of this group of chemicals is that they are plant based, like cocaine & marijuana-why are the plant based chemicals so efficient at what they do? The reason is that we share between 40% and 60% of our DNA with plants (this is a tricky figure to pin down due to complexity of DNA & what aspects we are talking about, but this rough estimate is good enough), this common heritage means we share a lot of biochemistry in common-why its healthy to eat your vegetables! This means that we will come across organic chemicals in plants that bear a remarkable similarity to those found in the human body, opiates bind to the same receptors in the human brain as our natural endogenous opioidsthe receptors are found in various areas of the brain-mu, delta, and kappa receptors.

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As all life on Earth shares a common ancestry we share DNA, the further back you split off the less DNA. Because a large amount of evolution stayed in the protozoa stage the rest is condensed so we share more than you would think.

Organic Chemistry is a highly complex subject and Pharmaceutical Companies struggle to come up with compounds anywhere near complex or targeted enough to achieve the right effect-especially in the brain. The best solution, for them, is to take organic chemicals found in plants that already match closely our own endogenous chemicals and adapt or modify them if necessary.


Aspirin is an interesting example of organic chemistry-taken from a plant we are still discovering the complexity of Aspirin-hence the ever changing advice on its use!

This link with organic chemistry makes the drugs highly addictive-what does that mean? Basically, the brain can’t tell the difference as, mentioned above, the brain’s receptors react to both. The difference is the natural system in the body will carefully regulate these chemicals to produce the effect it needs-very carefully-by contrast, inserting wildly varying amounts of exogenous (not produced by the body) chemicals into the system quickly overwhelmes it.

This is the addiction cycle. The body reacts to the introduced exogenous chemical by reducing the amount of endogenous natural chemicals-a common sense reaction, the levels seem high, produce less. When you stop taking the drug the brain has stopped making its own, now you’re in trouble, you’ll notice the absence VERY quickly! When it comes to painkillers then you’ve boosted the brain’s natural pain reduction system, then taken away the boost but the brain has switched off its own – now you have NO natural pain reduction ability.

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Herion the street opiate of choice but it has few differences from medical morphine or standard pain-killer opiates-all derived from the same Poppy Seed

Before the brain can adjust there will be an excess of pain-reduction this is an odd idea, so what does an excess feel like-it feels like euphoria! 

Imagine a control with a minus side and a plus side and zero in the middle-call this the pain control. When there is nothing wrong, no injuries, the dial will be set to zero. If there is an illness or injury the brain increases its defense system, the dial goes up, to… say… 40. It will then return back to zero when the problem is resolved. When you introduce an opiate with no pain, the dial jumps up, but as there isn’t the equal and opposite force of pain to negate this-the dial shoots up to 80! This is the high. Even if there is pain you could substantially increase the input so the dial still jumps to 80. Either way with the introduction of external drugs the natural endogenous chemicals will have been shut down. When the external drugs wear off the dial doesn’t drop back to zero, it goes into the negative scale as the system is now out of balance. This equals pain and extreme discomfort-withdrawal. The solution? Take more external drugs as you have no control over the brain’s own internal system. CONTINUE TO DO THIS AND YOU RESET THE ZERO POINT ON THE DIAL now you have to have the external drug to keep the dial at zero. The amount needed will slowly increase. Now you have a major problem, you need more and more of the external drug just to keep that dial at zero-and should there be an increase in pain from the injury YOU NEED EVEN MORE DRUGS.


You’re now in a real mess and struggling not to relive pain or get a high anymore but to keep the dial at zero!


Purdue Pharma launched OxyContin about 20 years ago and they added a sustained-release system (designed around a 12 hour cycle)-a system that has been further developed and added to other drugs since. New research has found that the effect is not homogenous, works for some, has a very different effect on others. This is a VERY serious issue. If the delayed-release isn’t working properly then you could get a higher dose that you thought you were getting-or-you could be getting a lower dose. Tests have indicated that many people are-best I could put it-getting high doses that run out early leaving them in detox which amounts to craving and the need for more of the drug.


Many common street drugs have been around a long time (even Meth was being used in WWII) but we have never seen them in such variety or inexpensive availability.


The Los Angeles Times released an expose on the problem and here is  very telling extract:

The Times investigation, based on thousands of pages of confidential Purdue documents and other records, found that:

  • Purdue has known about the problem for decades. Even before OxyContin went on the market, clinical trials showed many patients weren’t getting 12 hours of relief. Since the drug’s debut in 1996, the company has been confronted with additional evidence, including complaints from doctors, reports from its own sales reps and independent research.
  • The company has held fast to the claim of 12-hour relief, in part to protect its revenue. OxyContin’s market dominance and its high price — up to hundreds of dollars per bottle — hinge on its 12-hour duration. Without that, it offers little advantage over less expensive painkillers.
  • When many doctors began prescribing OxyContin at shorter intervals in the late 1990s, Purdue executives mobilized hundreds of sales reps to “refocus” physicians on 12-hour dosing. Anything shorter “needs to be nipped in the bud. NOW!!” one manager wrote to her staff.
  • Purdue tells doctors to prescribe stronger doses, not more frequent ones, when patients complain that OxyContin doesn’t last 12 hours. That approach creates risks of its own. Research shows that the more potent the dose of an opioid such as OxyContin, the greater the possibility of overdose and death.
  • More than half of long-term OxyContin users are on doses that public health officials consider dangerously high, according to an analysis of nationwide prescription data conducted for The Times.

As the company knew about the problem for a long time and could see-or read in the press-the effects on society… were they ignoring this for profit?


And a lot of those guys eventually went to prison! I’m also wondering… how many other Pharmaceuticals have this problem – the idea of sustained or managed release is pretty widespread now!

Remember I asked you to remember the cough suppressant factor? Opiates are a reparatory system suppressant-this leads to hypoxia, this is when there is not enough enough oxygen in the blood and hence the brain. There are similarities with hypothermia-when the body temperature drops too low-when in this condition you tend to make bad decisions that exacerbate the effect. In opiate overdose hypoxia leads to those same bad decisions-if the effect of an overdose with opiates were extreme stomach cramps then we would be in a much better position. We would be calling everyone we know to get us to the hospital and when it got bad enough we’d call 911 or crawl to a hospital-with opiate overdose you become drowsy and soporific, you don’t seek help, you don’t dial 911, you do the worst thing possible, you lay down and sleep.

When opiates take you away it’s a powerful pull into an irresistible sleep, no alarm bells, warnings are muffled in a soporific state, then you drift gently away, never to return… this is what makes opiate overdose as dangerous as it is…



Read the full LA TIMES article here



The Autism Spectrum is a highly unscientific principle, probably because it was created by the Political Establishment and not scientists. An inability to understand an number of neurological issues: Aspergers and ADHD profiles (ADHD is not a condition) led scientists to recognize the similarities between them, also the massive spread of how these issues present. For comparison, schizophrenia presents in a remarkably consistent way with low variability, this indicates a common cause – which is in fact the case, and led to a common solution. Which like the condition has a highly consistent success rate.

So, scientists, realizing that they were most likely creating a confusing plethora of terms abandoned all of them – kind of clean the board and start again, good, sturdy scientific principle. The public and political community started using the term Autistic Spectrum because you can’t push for a cause if you can’t name it – just common sense.


SO WHAT IS AUTISM? Well, you can look up the list of symptoms, what I’m concerned with is what is creating a large spectrum of similar neurological issues. Why has there been a relatively sudden spike in these issues? The argument, like some physiological conditions, that we lacked the knowledge/technology to identify it, doesn’t hold up. You can’t miss it. Leprosy and Tuberculosis, before understanding & cures, were the same – we didn’t know what it was or how to cure it BUT EVERYONE RECOGNIZED IT WHEN THEY SAW IT. I’m aware that “what” Autism is becomes less clear, it’s possible some people have the problem to such a low degree that it gets recognized late – but then the brain IS the most complex system in the Universe.


A scientific journal definition was: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. So… what I said, basically.

Looking at multiple articles the scientific consensus holds that vaccines do not cause Autism, but popular opinion still has a large percentage that believe this is the reason for the spike. An article in The Lancet, arguably the most respected scientific publication, provoked concern among parents – however – The Lancet article was retracted for making false claims and because its author was found to be on the payroll of litigants against vaccine manufacturers. Discounting similarly spurious pseudo-research THIS is the only source for the Vaccine Conspiracy.

N.B. There was an unproven question mark about organomercury in vaccines, but, sensibly, rather than investigate for years vaccine manufacturers removed the organomercury compound thimerosal.

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Very recently, over the last 5 to 7 years, scientists have identified a number of rare gene changes, or mutations, associated with autism. A small number of these are sufficient to cause autism by themselves. REMEMBER AUTISM IS A GENERIC NAME FOR CONDITIONS WE DON’T UNDERSTAND, so is the condition this gene creates the same as what most parents are coping with dealing with autistic children. I don’t think it is – why? Because we would see the expression of the gene at points in the family history, the same way we do with other conditions “do you have a family history of…” well, we don’t see this is autism, yes, with that specific gene sector, but it’s self admittedly minuscule. 


“Most cases of autism, however, appear to be caused by a combination of autism risk genes and environmental factors influencing early brain development.”

THIS IS A FASCINATINGLY LOADED STATEMENT“Appear” means that we can effectively dismiss the gene factor because prior statements have made it clear the gene only effect is marginal. Gets a little complex here, you will have regard the “genes associated with” this as NOT the “small number that could cause it themselves” – factors that create autism will likely alter certain genes so they are classified as associated – this statement is the same as saying: “broken bones are commonly associated with falling off a cliff”. True, but does not imply that broken bones caused the fall.

So, something is causing this – it’s NOT a natural genetic mutation that occurs at a reasonably predictable rate (like schizophrenia) – SO WHAT IS CAUSING IT? No one knows, but there are suspects! One is Vaccines but I’m going to leave that as personally examining the data I did NOT see it as a good candidate.

autism therapies

For many years the connection between Cerebral Palsy and Folic Acid/B12 deficiency was been well known. In the West pregnant women are generally given supplements as a matter of course. What does this teach us: THAT, AS MY SYSTEM Inception Point Mapping™ indicates, the human brain/mind is a Chaotic System. This is the term derived from a branch of mathematics: non-linear dynamics. A CHAOTIC SYSTEM IS HIGHLY SENSITIVE TO MINUTE CHANGES. Because Chaotic Systems continuously increase in complexity this means – important part – that anything that affects a young, developing brain will be vastly magnified beyond what you would expect.

There are100,000,000,000 neurons, on average, in the human brain. If you built a static machine with this many components, all of equal importance and a dozen weren’t working properly you MIGHT notice a decrease in performance in the machine, but, most likely you wouldn’t. Negligible difference. Change a dozen neurons in the brain and this analogy doesn’t hold. Neurons connect to produce the vastly complex entity that is you. The number of neurons is large but not that large: IT IS THE VAST NUMBER OF POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS THAT MAKES THE BRAIN THE MOST COMPLEX SYSTEM WE KNOW.


So, damaging a dozen neurons which are part of a chaotic system can and most likely will, create profound and unexpected changes. The phrase THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT was coined from a statement by one of the creators of Chaos Theory “if a butterfly flaps its wings in India we get a hurricane in Florida”. The climate is a Chaotic System. Now taking that, highly accurate, little statement can you see how changing just 12 neurons in 100,000,000,000 CAN HAVE A DRAMATIC EFFECT – LIKE… AUTISM!

Phycologists, Psychiatrists, Philosophers and Neurologists (though they are raising an eyebrow) DO NOT take the Chaotic nature of brain development into account when assessing these problems. Why? Because none of these disciplines has math as an integral study area – in fact Neurologist have some but the subject (at a high level) is ENTIRELY missing in the education of Phycologists, Psychiatrists, Philosophers. THEY CAN’T INCLUDE THIS IMPORTANT FACTOR SO… THEY DON’T.


My opinion – it’s not vaccines – it’s the refusal to accept the Chaotic nature of the brain, which means data that is NOT relevant without it BECOMES VERY RELEVANT when you incorporate Chaos Theory.

Some disconnected areas of information:

  • Low Folic Acid/B12 levels in pregnant mothers can cause significant birth defects in the child’s body.
  • There is a reluctance to assume that this could also include the brain.
  • Most pregnant women (tested) show a decrease in the amount of vitamin K reaching the fetus across the placenta – specific study, so why should we assume that many nutrients are not similarly affected?
  • The list of vitamins/minerals & other elements/chemicals that the body needs IS INCOMPLETE, we don’t know we should have something until a defect is found that tells us we do (e.g. no one knew we needed vitamin C until they noticed scurvy in sailors)
  • An increase in Gastrointestinal Malabsorption in humans has been observed – some of those humans are pregnant women, this will effect the baby.
  • An increase of abnormal gut flora has been observed in humans recently which is the likely cause of Gastrointestinal Malabsorption.
  • A number of environmental factors, such as food additives, has been seen to create abnormal gut flora.


cechical dumping

Vaccine manufacturers removed an organomercury compound because people are, quite rightly, nervous about mercury. It also made vaccines a less likely suspect – good marketing sense. Mercury, like most elements can be combined in molecular states that transform its effects on humans, or the environment. In an organomercury state there is no evidence it is harmful – but in other cases it can be incredibly damaging. In some states mercury can be a powerful neurotoxin – neurotoxins affect the brain/nervous system AND have the ability in some cases to break the cell wall and damage DNA. Symptoms of mercury poisoning typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination. SO THE NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM IS DEFINITELY BEING ATTACKED.


We spray logging areas with chemicals to kill all other plants but the pines you want, seeps into the ecosystem and is distributed – animals consume it and spread it. Water evaporation send it up into rain clouds to be distributed. it seeps into the water table and is disseminated. Wind carries micro-particles from spraying. It gets everywhere – and we ingest it.

We spray our crops to remove insects & molds. We inject our food animals with hormones and antibiotics (big red flag for abnormal gut flora) to make them grow faster and larger. We put additives in our water – fluoride – to reduce bacteria and increase dental health.

Autistic Child

These are just some of the things we DELIBERATELY place in our environment. To list the thousands of chemicals that we dump in our environment as a by-product of some activity, by negligence or criminally would take a whole other article. It’s huge.

One of these is the disposal of pharmaceuticals. Millions of tons of unused drugs are disposed of in the environment. Many people flush unwanted drugs down the toilet – we’re told to in some cases. Current aging and inefficient water treatment plants cannot remove contaminants as small and complex as pharmaceuticals.



Geoffrey Ragnarokk Danes
© 2016




Many positives of the Industrial Revolution made life better but there were always side effects. Remember DDT? That happened because we didn’t understand how toxins built up in Pinnacle Predators – simply put, if you poison plants then animals that eat plants become poisoned by Ω-grams of the poison. The next predator up the food chain consumes, say 30 rabbits, this predator now contains 30-times-Ω-grams of poison. The next predator eats 10 of these animals, now that predator contains 10 times(30-times-Ω-grams) of poison. Toxicity builds and concentrates as it goes up the food chain. DDT was killing insects but birds were eating the insects in large numbers and consuming large amounts of DDT. So now we are very careful how and where we use it.

Humans Are The Ultimate Pinnacle Predators.

The average diet in America – which is nothing to be proud of – will lead an individual to consume meat from thousands of farm animals who have been consuming toxins by eating plant matter. As Pinnacle Predators toxins in the environment will concentrate in us.

Artificial Fertilizers were found to break down in the environment into many chemicals, one being artificial estrogen. For decades our children, and then as adults, have been consuming that estrogen.

This problem hasn’t been getting better it’s been getting worse as more of these chemicals were introduced. Known as hormone mimicking  or endocrine disrupting agents. One research project by Herbert Needleman, MD found them in shampoo, sunglasses, meat, dairy products, carpets, cosmetics and baby bottles. Baby bottles! Well, when it comes to introducing toxins to our children that’s got to be the ultimate way to do it!

So what is the result? Dr. Needleman believes that latest figures showing boys are now far more at risk of suffering from ADHD, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dyslexia can be linked directly to estrogen poisoning (boys have estrogen naturally but anything can become toxic in high levels, including water – drink massive amounts of water quickly and you’ll likely die).

The ideal ratio of male to female births in humans is 1:1 and the norm is not far off this though fluctuations have occurred. Until recently there were ‘slightly’ more boys born than girls. But research may be starting to show a new trend of decreasing males due to high estrogen levels. The first thing we see, as mentioned, is health problems in males and if the toxicity increases we will by extrapolation see an increase in male stillbirths and severely deformed male babies. Slowly, rising estrogen levels will make male births rare -worth noting that the pollution is affecting reproduction in some animals as well.

From my and other anecdotal observations, hormone imbalance is affecting society on a extreme level. Young people are designed to be highly adaptable and THEY ARE ADAPTING! I hear about their extreme flexibility with the gender spectrum. Most will have come across the  initialism LGBT, itself a recently modern idea, but now we have the initialism LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual). This is natural to young people-as it should be-who can also move freely between these categories without issue in their peer group. But this sudden broad widening of the Gender Spectrum is unlikely to have NO cause-how does that work? The flooding of estrogen is likely at the root of this. While girls experience some movement within this spectrum they retain their femininity, boys on the other hand LOSE their masculinity, altering our social structure drastically.

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Don’t know why this guy’s worried – I see very little chance of him being ‘manly’ – bunk-beds can, sometimes, be indicators of this!

As I’ve said in other articles the Regressive-Liberal-Feminist Agenda is attempting to do this through social manipulation. THE IMPACT OF ADULT MALES ON BOYS LIVES IS NOW IN RAPID DECLINE.

Fathers are being confused about their masculinity i.e. whether they should express it to their sons when the boy’s teachers are almost exclusively female & often hostile to men.

There is a huge disconnect with my generation. Growing up I was surrounded by the WWII Generation, my Grandfather and Great-Uncles were all WWII veterans-and how do you top stories like that? Although, they had a great talent for telling amusing moments – there actually were some! My uncle told me that his small seven man squad were lost in France after the D-Day Landings, they stopped, in true British fashion to make a pot of tea – suddenly a bullet ripped through the kettle and as the water spurted out and they ran for cover they heard German soldiers laughing. Men are unusual creatures-war or difficult situations tends to ‘increase’ humor in men-at least in my generation and those before it.


Read Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall a spectacularly insane book by British comic genius, Bi-polar sufferer, the late Spike Milligan.

Despite this being the most amazingly wealthy and peaceful period in American history the level of histrionics is amazing. Men act like girls-women don’t, they’re having to carry the extra weight men have dropped-they look like little boys and act like little girls. I SAW A POLICE CHIEF ON TELEVISION RECOUNTING A MURDER AND HE STARTED CRYING…


Yeah, I would really like to say I was making that up but you know I’m not because you’ve seen men cry on television yourselves-over nothing!

Men of my generation need to talk to the ‘men’ (there are still some) of the next generation and encourage them to dismiss this Progressive Crap and get active in their son’s lives. Offsetting that political message is hard, fighting against high estrogen makes it harder, but when facing these odds Americans just get tougher. Do it!


Women! Get involved in this too. ENCOURAGE MEN TO TAKE A STAND. This is a matriarchy-it was when I was growing up-so was Sparta & most tribal societies- because tough women make tough men-but women are being shamed for wanting men back in their culture by unmedicated-feminists – ALL third-wave-feminists should be medicated in my opinion – actually I want them rounded up and send straight to ISIS, they must be friends right? Considering Feminists NEVER criticize Islamic treatment of women. Great plan!

The news today is about 300+ protestors being arrested in DC and official declarations by the Republicans and Democrats that they are done with Democracy, so I don’t think I’m being extreme. This is a time for fighting.  Fighting for traditional values. Fighting against the attacks on Christianity. Fighting for what America should be. In these times we must look to our children first BECAUSE THAT’S WHERE THEY COME AT YOU. CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN THEY CONTROL THE FUTURE!

N.BAlternative media commentator Steven Crowder visited The University of Michigan where students felt that the right to free speech was NOT as important as the fear of offending someone. Basically, they saw no value in the First Amendment. Wow.


Watch Documentary Video

Stop Drugging Our Children!

Futuristic Brain

America is still the greatest nation on Earth, though it does need to install an upgrade to be efficient again. As a Democratic Republic operating through Capitalism there are very wealthy people and then some without much money, but everything is relative; those without much money in the USA still have a fantastic standard of living. Money is NOT our problem – so what is it? My opinion: its a short-term viewpoint by those in political office. I am always surprised when I discover they have children/grandchildren!

The Industrial Revolution was a Rubicon Point for the West, it removed many problems that had plagued us (yes, I got the irony of ‘plagued’) but introduced others. It became a bit like whack-a-mole, smog from coal factories caused respiratory problems, we cleaned it up, then the next problem arose – but, in general, we acknowledged the issues and worked to correct them.

No more it seems. Now there’s money to be made from the issues.

I can’t be convinced that the staggering spike in Transgender youth is disconnected from:

(1) The vast artificial Estrogen levels polluting our environment, leading to low-fertility & feminization in men and hormone imbalances in females.

(2) Left propaganda that these groups are being prejudiced against – see below – which heightens youth culture awareness and makes it trendy to be Transgender. Before any Radical-Feminists explode this information comes directly from a diverse sample of teenage girls and boys. They are well aware it’s the new edgy.

N.B. Take the Restroom debacle, no one has mentioned it’s NOT because you’re Transgender, its because we don’t KNOW if you’re Transgender or just a  pedophile/rapist. Part of your freedom is being able to declare you’re Transgender without an Orwellian scientific test and evaluation. So until we figure that out we have to protect the public – because bad people lie! 

Transgender Treatments are primarily hormone replacement and a myriad of other pharmaceutical drugs. Yes, I have talked to Transgender people. In order to make the difficult transition many problems arise. The hormones have unwanted side effects that have to be controlled by more drugs – skin problems being probably the most common. More money for big pharmaceutical companies.



The human body is not that efficient at absorbing chemicals, which includes pharmaceuticals. In many instances the majority of the drug is expelled from the body, in urine for example, this enters the environment. A cocktail of pharmaceutical residue ends up in our food and water supply. Studies have also pointed to the overprescription of medication which is, frequently disposed of directly into the toilet – makes sense BUT despite sewage treatment many of these chemicals escape the process and enter the environment. So, great, another sidestepped pollutant – and thats without us asking “what happens to these complex chemicals when they’re randomly mixed?”. Nothing good would be my guess!

Singling out blame between Producers and Government Regulators, neither are upholding their responsibility to the future: OUR CHILDREN. That aside there’s a even more disturbing and most likely related side effect:

ADHD header adhd

First, a word about the amazing non-existent medical condition: ADHD. The Internet says the following:

ADHD list

Interesting that something the medical profession is entirely clueless about can none the less be declared INCURABLE. Requires only an observational medical diagnosis – yet it’s Incurable & Chronic. Treatment is given in the form of pharmaceuticals – yet, no testing is required.

There is, in my opinion, a movement to confuse the public into thinking ADHD is a medical condition (there are now movements against this – thankfully). Firstly by giving it a name – you name something, it exists! Yet, it doesn’t. ADHD is a list of behaviors that could have ANY cause, however, if you tick a certain percentage of the boxes then, you have ADHD. This ‘diagnosis’ is about as useful as a chocolate coffee-pot!

Based on a non-diagnosis, for a non-existent malady many Doctors will prescribe drug-treatment.

I see many children who have been diagnosed with ADHD – self fulfilling prophecy, as the child will tell you openly that this is what they have, so they now believe it and expect to have issues. I am then informed that the child, some as young as FIVE years old, are being medicated, usually with one of the following:

ADHD drug list

To give a young, developing, brain something as simple as caffeine is not a good idea and THESE are hardcore drugs. Testing is preliminary. They will tell you not but its all subjective – to me it’s preliminary unless we have at least 20 years of field data to look at. In adults with chronic conditions we don’t have to be this cautious – all life is a risk – BUT to give a developing brain a drug like this for a non-existent medical condition based on a guess THAT’S UNACCEPTABLE!

So this ADHD thing, any connection to the environmental pollutants I mentioned? Well…


Logically younger adults and children will suffer more from environmental pollution because, as above, for the 41+ age group the problem didn’t exists when they were growing up, second children are naturally more sensitive to pollutants. The data here tends to indicate it could well be connected. Why not 3-5 year olds? Due to the slow developing human brain under 5’s will not pass/fail (who knows) the ADHD list, they simply cannot be analyzed that way.

ADHD genders

If the main pollutant was Estrogen then you would expect males to be effected more than females – which… is what we see!

My theory as to WHAT ADHD actually is includes Progressive policies, very well encompassed in the Common-Core education philosophy. Schools are non-contact zones, rough physical play is discouraged, children are told they’re not boys and girls but “Purple-Penguins” and it goes on and on… all the things removed here BOYS NEED! It’s essential to their development into strong men. Progressives believe MEN are toxic to our society. I beg to differ! 

spartan-agoge 1


spartan agoge text


Spartans believed it was distracting and dishonorable for a warrior to have money, so their wives controlled the wealth. Vikings/Spartans practiced combat as a profession which left the women in charge of the farms and estates. Women in Sparta maintained strict physical training regimens making them healthy, strong & fit, so… beautiful. Helen of Troy was a Spartan. Spartan women were renown for their beauty. Empowered, in control, fit, strong and courageous! So where is the evidence that an emasculated male population makes women strong? There isn’t any but there is plenty to the opposite.

WE ARE NOT CREATING A NEUTRAL WORLD WITH ‘PURPLE PENGUINS’ WE ARE MAINTAINING A TRADITIONAL GIRLS WORLD AND FORCING BOYS TO EXISTS IN IT. RESULT: THEY DON’T DO WELL. Boys are failing in school academically, they are exhibiting behavioral problems, they go on to underperform in college, some grow up and withdraw from society – confused about their place in society and in relationships with women (how does this work with Purple-Penguins anyway?) they retreat into computer games.

In order to offset the effects of Estrogen hitting boys hard we would need a social system like the Spartan Agoge! Yet, we have the opposite, a feminized, gentle system. I really do believe Boys Need To Be Boys. Girls are doing just fine, hitting their potential (of course there are negative social issues that effect them but I will cover that in another article).

So, again… what’s wrong with a Spartan balance in culture where you have strong MEN and strong WOMEN? We had it before. There was no room for any pilgrim moving to the West in America to be soft – whatever age or gender!

Spartan River Tam Spartan 300 men

WRAPPING UP: How do ‘I’ deal with ADHD? Well, first, the answer to pharmaceutical poisoning in the environment is not MORE pharmaceuticals! Get our children OFF the drugs. Second, is rather like deprogramming someone rescued from a cult – allow children to see reality again, not the monster that is Progressive ideology. Set them free. Give them a moral structure, a true sense of right and wrong, redress the idiotic PurplePenguin programming and let them be different while respecting each other AND let boys play rough! Tell them what real MEN are about – courage, protecting the weak, being strong. Replace the now outmoded Feminism Ideology (what would the Suffragettes have thought of the “all sex is rape” demented ideology Radical Feminists espouse?) with Egalitarianism – that’s what our society strives to be, equal, not a destruction of all that is male.

Geoffrey Ragnarokk Danes ©2016