
The Autism Spectrum is a highly unscientific principle, probably because it was created by the Political Establishment and not scientists. An inability to understand an number of neurological issues: Aspergers and ADHD profiles (ADHD is not a condition) led scientists to recognize the similarities between them, also the massive spread of how these issues present. For comparison, schizophrenia presents in a remarkably consistent way with low variability, this indicates a common cause – which is in fact the case, and led to a common solution. Which like the condition has a highly consistent success rate.

So, scientists, realizing that they were most likely creating a confusing plethora of terms abandoned all of them – kind of clean the board and start again, good, sturdy scientific principle. The public and political community started using the term Autistic Spectrum because you can’t push for a cause if you can’t name it – just common sense.


SO WHAT IS AUTISM? Well, you can look up the list of symptoms, what I’m concerned with is what is creating a large spectrum of similar neurological issues. Why has there been a relatively sudden spike in these issues? The argument, like some physiological conditions, that we lacked the knowledge/technology to identify it, doesn’t hold up. You can’t miss it. Leprosy and Tuberculosis, before understanding & cures, were the same – we didn’t know what it was or how to cure it BUT EVERYONE RECOGNIZED IT WHEN THEY SAW IT. I’m aware that “what” Autism is becomes less clear, it’s possible some people have the problem to such a low degree that it gets recognized late – but then the brain IS the most complex system in the Universe.


A scientific journal definition was: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. So… what I said, basically.

Looking at multiple articles the scientific consensus holds that vaccines do not cause Autism, but popular opinion still has a large percentage that believe this is the reason for the spike. An article in The Lancet, arguably the most respected scientific publication, provoked concern among parents – however – The Lancet article was retracted for making false claims and because its author was found to be on the payroll of litigants against vaccine manufacturers. Discounting similarly spurious pseudo-research THIS is the only source for the Vaccine Conspiracy.

N.B. There was an unproven question mark about organomercury in vaccines, but, sensibly, rather than investigate for years vaccine manufacturers removed the organomercury compound thimerosal.

dna blue

Very recently, over the last 5 to 7 years, scientists have identified a number of rare gene changes, or mutations, associated with autism. A small number of these are sufficient to cause autism by themselves. REMEMBER AUTISM IS A GENERIC NAME FOR CONDITIONS WE DON’T UNDERSTAND, so is the condition this gene creates the same as what most parents are coping with dealing with autistic children. I don’t think it is – why? Because we would see the expression of the gene at points in the family history, the same way we do with other conditions “do you have a family history of…” well, we don’t see this is autism, yes, with that specific gene sector, but it’s self admittedly minuscule. 


“Most cases of autism, however, appear to be caused by a combination of autism risk genes and environmental factors influencing early brain development.”

THIS IS A FASCINATINGLY LOADED STATEMENT“Appear” means that we can effectively dismiss the gene factor because prior statements have made it clear the gene only effect is marginal. Gets a little complex here, you will have regard the “genes associated with” this as NOT the “small number that could cause it themselves” – factors that create autism will likely alter certain genes so they are classified as associated – this statement is the same as saying: “broken bones are commonly associated with falling off a cliff”. True, but does not imply that broken bones caused the fall.

So, something is causing this – it’s NOT a natural genetic mutation that occurs at a reasonably predictable rate (like schizophrenia) – SO WHAT IS CAUSING IT? No one knows, but there are suspects! One is Vaccines but I’m going to leave that as personally examining the data I did NOT see it as a good candidate.

autism therapies

For many years the connection between Cerebral Palsy and Folic Acid/B12 deficiency was been well known. In the West pregnant women are generally given supplements as a matter of course. What does this teach us: THAT, AS MY SYSTEM Inception Point Mapping™ indicates, the human brain/mind is a Chaotic System. This is the term derived from a branch of mathematics: non-linear dynamics. A CHAOTIC SYSTEM IS HIGHLY SENSITIVE TO MINUTE CHANGES. Because Chaotic Systems continuously increase in complexity this means – important part – that anything that affects a young, developing brain will be vastly magnified beyond what you would expect.

There are100,000,000,000 neurons, on average, in the human brain. If you built a static machine with this many components, all of equal importance and a dozen weren’t working properly you MIGHT notice a decrease in performance in the machine, but, most likely you wouldn’t. Negligible difference. Change a dozen neurons in the brain and this analogy doesn’t hold. Neurons connect to produce the vastly complex entity that is you. The number of neurons is large but not that large: IT IS THE VAST NUMBER OF POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS THAT MAKES THE BRAIN THE MOST COMPLEX SYSTEM WE KNOW.


So, damaging a dozen neurons which are part of a chaotic system can and most likely will, create profound and unexpected changes. The phrase THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT was coined from a statement by one of the creators of Chaos Theory “if a butterfly flaps its wings in India we get a hurricane in Florida”. The climate is a Chaotic System. Now taking that, highly accurate, little statement can you see how changing just 12 neurons in 100,000,000,000 CAN HAVE A DRAMATIC EFFECT – LIKE… AUTISM!

Phycologists, Psychiatrists, Philosophers and Neurologists (though they are raising an eyebrow) DO NOT take the Chaotic nature of brain development into account when assessing these problems. Why? Because none of these disciplines has math as an integral study area – in fact Neurologist have some but the subject (at a high level) is ENTIRELY missing in the education of Phycologists, Psychiatrists, Philosophers. THEY CAN’T INCLUDE THIS IMPORTANT FACTOR SO… THEY DON’T.


My opinion – it’s not vaccines – it’s the refusal to accept the Chaotic nature of the brain, which means data that is NOT relevant without it BECOMES VERY RELEVANT when you incorporate Chaos Theory.

Some disconnected areas of information:

  • Low Folic Acid/B12 levels in pregnant mothers can cause significant birth defects in the child’s body.
  • There is a reluctance to assume that this could also include the brain.
  • Most pregnant women (tested) show a decrease in the amount of vitamin K reaching the fetus across the placenta – specific study, so why should we assume that many nutrients are not similarly affected?
  • The list of vitamins/minerals & other elements/chemicals that the body needs IS INCOMPLETE, we don’t know we should have something until a defect is found that tells us we do (e.g. no one knew we needed vitamin C until they noticed scurvy in sailors)
  • An increase in Gastrointestinal Malabsorption in humans has been observed – some of those humans are pregnant women, this will effect the baby.
  • An increase of abnormal gut flora has been observed in humans recently which is the likely cause of Gastrointestinal Malabsorption.
  • A number of environmental factors, such as food additives, has been seen to create abnormal gut flora.


cechical dumping

Vaccine manufacturers removed an organomercury compound because people are, quite rightly, nervous about mercury. It also made vaccines a less likely suspect – good marketing sense. Mercury, like most elements can be combined in molecular states that transform its effects on humans, or the environment. In an organomercury state there is no evidence it is harmful – but in other cases it can be incredibly damaging. In some states mercury can be a powerful neurotoxin – neurotoxins affect the brain/nervous system AND have the ability in some cases to break the cell wall and damage DNA. Symptoms of mercury poisoning typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), disturbed sensation and a lack of coordination. SO THE NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM IS DEFINITELY BEING ATTACKED.


We spray logging areas with chemicals to kill all other plants but the pines you want, seeps into the ecosystem and is distributed – animals consume it and spread it. Water evaporation send it up into rain clouds to be distributed. it seeps into the water table and is disseminated. Wind carries micro-particles from spraying. It gets everywhere – and we ingest it.

We spray our crops to remove insects & molds. We inject our food animals with hormones and antibiotics (big red flag for abnormal gut flora) to make them grow faster and larger. We put additives in our water – fluoride – to reduce bacteria and increase dental health.

Autistic Child

These are just some of the things we DELIBERATELY place in our environment. To list the thousands of chemicals that we dump in our environment as a by-product of some activity, by negligence or criminally would take a whole other article. It’s huge.

One of these is the disposal of pharmaceuticals. Millions of tons of unused drugs are disposed of in the environment. Many people flush unwanted drugs down the toilet – we’re told to in some cases. Current aging and inefficient water treatment plants cannot remove contaminants as small and complex as pharmaceuticals.



Geoffrey Ragnarokk Danes
© 2016